Saturday, October 9, 2010

Small Fall

Small Fall
Oil on gessoboard panel, 4x4
Contact Center Framing & Art (860-233-7804) for price and delivery information

This morning, up before dawn, I stepped out on the deck. Cold air pressed in on me, and it was crisp and clean and every bit the best of autumn. The stars gleamed and there was no noise, no sound other than my breath, and the steps squeaking beneath my bare, cold feet.

This is the time I love the best, just before full-fledged autumn. The promises are so big now! The promise of more of these crystal mornings. The promise of a riot of color. The promise of sudden blusters blowing swirls of leaves along the still-green grass, while big white clouds puff up in a too-blue sky. And then the promise of winter, with all its silence and all its storms and all its hibernating.

Tomorrow, there will be frost on the deck, if the weather guys are to be believed. And I will believe them, and get up early, and see. Another promise.


Robin Weiss said...

Hi Carrie! Your colors are as lovely as your prose and both make beautiful music....=]...Good luck with your shows!

carrie jacobson said...

thank you so much, Robin. It's an honor to receive praise from you!