Iris, 10x10
This is the second iris I've painted, and I love it! There's something wonderful about a single flower on an interesting background, isn't there? I think an interesting painting might be a single iris, again, way off to one side of a larger canvas. So there would be a lot, a lot, a lot of the background. I will give it a try when I get home.
I do miss home! Even with the snow, and the cold and the ongoing horrible weather, I miss being home. It's great to be away, to visit Dad and Paula, see new things, to paint in warm places, and to be in the Southwest. But there's no place like home, is there?
Pictures from my Painting Trip
I did my laundry in Gallup, NM, where I was staying while painting on the Navajo reservation. In the laundromat was me, a bunch of elderly Navajo grandmother-type women, and a couple young Navajo women with their kids. I was a source of interest in the laundromat. People did not completely get what I was doing out there, all alone, so far from home. But it was OK. I like this photo of the little kid making the change doors swing.
These are some of the rock formations around Fort Defiance.
Cows, horses, goats, sheep and dogs are allowed to roam all over the reservation. Three people were herding this little group of cows back, on one of the main roads through the place.
Dog of the Day
These are two of the dozen dogs I fed on the Navajo reservation. The possibly homeless and possibly hungry dogs on the reservation are a real problem in general, and were a huge problem for me, specifically. One of the reasons I didn't stay longer was the dogs. I did come to realize that most of these dogs are probably "owned" more or less by Navajo families, and are allowed to run free. Most of them are not starving - but they sure are hungry, and they're smart enough to find people like me to feed them.