Morning's Glory
Oil on black canvas, 12x36
The snow in our driveway stood waist-high in a hard, wind-blown drift. Even if we could have gotten out of the driveway, we'd have been mired in a hard, knee-high drift covering the road. No cars drove by - or, as far as I could tell, drove anywhere in town - for four days. Finally, at 8:30 at night on the fourth day after the storm, the state sent a plow to Wachapreague.The plow piled up a wall of snow in front of our already drifted driveway, and the single-digit temperatures froze everything solid. Eventually, in 19-degree sun, we went out and dug and dug and dug, and then a neighbor, watching from his house, went and got the town's small front-loader and got us and our neighbor out. Our hero!
Being blocked in did wonders for my painting, though. Honestly, there was pretty much nothing else to do, so I painted and painted and painted, and ended up with this piece (and since this, others), in a style I am calling "mosaic painting."
It's again along the lines of the abstract realism that's always intrigued and drawn me, and which I've always wanted to paint - and have painted, more or less. The deconstructed landscape. A mix of detail and not-detail, energized by color and stroke and the puzzle-piece feeling of a mosaic or a stained-glass piece. I really love this, and feel a whole new sense of expression and discovery and joy.
You can see more of these on my website! Go to, and click on "available paintings." There aren't many - yet - but that will change.
I'M HEADING TO ARIZONA in a week or so, and am delighted to be going to a warm, sunny place. My route and departure date are a bit up in the air, and they depend on the weather, which seems to be a mystery as of late. I'll be there for the month of February, and am doing three shows and a demo:
- Tubac Arts Festival, Feb. 7-11, Tubac, AZ. I don't know my booth number yet, but when I learn it, I will post it on the 2018 Shows page on the Jacobson Arts website.
- Tucson Museum Spring Artisans Market, Feb. 16-18, Tucson, AZ. Booth 29.
- The Great Fair of Fine Arts and Crafts, Feb. 23-25, Fountain Hills, AZ. No booth number yet.
- And my demonstration will be Feb. 14, starting at noon, at the San Pedro River Arts Council Gallery in Benson, AZ.
All these events are free and open to everyone!
Dog of the Day
I found this photo while I was looking for something else. It is intriguingly entitled "John and New Dog." I don't see John, and can't think of a John I know who might have a new dog, but if you know this dog, or John, please do let me know. It's a great dog, isn't it?
A Final Thought
"The more you love, the more love you have to give.
It's the only feeling we have which is infinite."
- Christina Westover