Maple Avenue, Hadley
Oil on canvas, 11x14
Please email me for price and shipping/delivery information!
The third day of the Paradise City Arts Festival was not a day of sales for me, but a day of meeting people and connecting. And while this doesn't put money in my pocket, it does put joy in my heart.
I spent a lot of time looking at my paintings with people who were entranced by them. The looks of delight on these people's faces, the smiles that my paintings brought to them, the recognition of the soul, these are things that mean a lot to me.
A couple special treats during this show were visits from friends and family. On Saturday, I heard someone calling my name and turned to see my niece Larkin racing toward me, arms outstretched, followed by my brother Rand and his wife Molly. And on Monday I turned around and found my dear friend Jill Blanchette standing by my elbow.
To have people I love go so far out of their way means a huge amount to me! And the support of all of you, reading this blog, sending me emails and thoughtful comments, I appreciate it enormously.
Pam Nelson, a neighbor and a woman who has painted, shown, taught and earned her living through her art, loaned me a couple exhibition panels for the show. When I confided in her that in spite of everything, my lack of confidence is at times nearly paralyzing, she admitted that even for her, the same was true.
A show like this, visits from people I love, and a day of touching hearts like I had on Sunday, gives me a little break from the traffic of self-doubt that is so often snarled up in my head.
Jacobson Arts World Headquarters is in Gales Ferry, CT
Love the sky in this one Carrie!
This picture is beautiful!
The plague of self doubt deters you not, bravo.
Ah, the plague of self-doubt might not deter me, but it does weaken my spirit on some days. On others, I am immune!
So glad you like the painting. Many thanks!
Oh, the sky in this one was just so much fun to do, it probably ought to be illegal! In fact, a couple people at the show added a few strokes, they were so into what I was doing.
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