Tuesday, August 14, 2012

Burton's Shore

 Burton's Shore
Oil on canvas, 10x10

One of the reasons, I think, that Wachapreague and the surrounding areas on the eastern shore of Virginia are so beautiful and untouched is that there are really no beaches there.

Instead, there's a gorgeous salt marsh that draws all sorts of birds, and deep inlets that are home to all sorts of sealife.

And there are barrier islands with beautiful, untrammeled beaches - but they're out between the bay and the Atlantic.

I am thankful for this, much as I love beaches. It has kept the eastern shore from looking like Virginia Beach or the Outer Banks, or any of a thousand other seaside spots that have been built up and built up and overbuilt up.

Here and there, of course, there are strips of sand, small beaches - like this one, on Burton's Bay. It is lovely, and filled with fiddler crabs. One of these days, I'll go swimming there. This time, I just painted.

Here's my painting in the landscape. 

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