Wednesday, July 5, 2017

Feels Like Home

Feels Like Home
Oil on black canvas, 16x16 
Please click here to email me for price and availability

I get mental blocks about the names of things - and sometimes of people, too.  I seem to have a particularly slippery spot in my brain for the names of shade plants. I just had to look up "hydrangea," which is what these are, in the painting above.

I can describe them completely, in terms of color, scent, the feel of the blossoms and leaves - but I can't seem to hold their name in my head.

The same holds true for astilbes and hostas. I love all these plants, love to see them, love to grow them, love to paint them - but I just can't remember them.

Maybe part of painting for me is to strengthen my visual memory, in places where my brain memory just doesn't make it?

Wickford Art Festival

Unless the hydrangea painting sells beforehand, I will have it with me at the Wickford Art Festival this weekend, July 8-9. I'm Booth 82, on Elam Street at the junction with Spinx. It's such a fun show, in a beautiful little town. For information, check out

Dog of the Day


Want your pet to be the Dog of the Day?
 Send a jpg to me at 
(ps, your pet doesn't have to be a dog...) 

A Final Thought

"Color is my daylong obsession, joy and torment." 

- Claude Monet


RonSailsSML said...

Love your work, and your insight too. All very inspiring.. Had the pleasure of meeting you in Roanoke, Va. :)

carrie jacobson said...

Thank you, Ron, for your note and compliment - and for following my blog! It was a pleasure to meet you.