Wednesday, April 22, 2020


 Nuthatch / oil on black canvas/ 5x7 unframed / $68 includes shipping


A FEW YEARS AGO, PETER looped a length of fishing line around one of the branches in the white dogwood tree, and hung a hummingbird feeder from it. 

In the fall, I took the hummingbird feeders in, but left the twine. For the past few days, a wren has been yanking at this loop of line. She must think she has found the treasure trove of nest-building materials - but then, she can't loosen it from the branch. She will try two or three times, then move on. And then she comes back. Or maybe it's a different wren. 

I've thought about draping some bits of fishing line from the tree for her, but I can't imagine that fishing line is good for birds. So I will look around the house and see if I can find some yarn, or string, or something. She is so intrepid, so intense. I'd be happy to help her. 


ON SATURDAY, AT 1 p.m. EASTERN, I'll be giving another painting workshop, Live on my Carrie Jacobson Artist Facebook page. ( We will be painting a chicken! 

It would be good to have one or two blues (ultramarine and cobalt or turquoise, if you want a second blue), a cadmium yellow, a cadmium red, alizarin crimson or alizarin permanent, a titanium white and any other colors that you like. Set up by your computer with something to paint with and something to paint on. 

The workshop is free and will last about an hour. We will be painting from the chicken picture above.


Today, I am grateful that I have a house already made, and not of fishing line. 

For Today

Pathological Puzzle

There are so many diseases
From rabies to the wheezes
That people can contract
Till it's hard to understand
How any man
remains intact. 

- Langston Hughes

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