Tuesday, July 28, 2020

Crow with Red Legs

Crow with Red Legs / oil on black canvas / 5x7 / $68 includes shipping


DO YOU ALL KNOW about tomatoes and mint? They taste amazing together! 

For my birthday last year, Peter made me an herb garden. He planted lavender, mint, lemon thyme, cilantro and sage, in pots just outside the back door. 

I also have a big pot of rosemary, years old, a couple pots of chives and a small pot of wilty basil. 

I had a half-dozen tomatoes from my friend Anne's garden, so I set about making a tomato salad, and went out to the herb garden and picked basil, rosemary, lemon thyme and, what the heck, mint. 

So here is the salad: Slice your tomatoes, and put them in a layer on a platter or a plastic container, for those of us who are utilitarian about such things. Feel free to add cucumbers, if you have them. Sprinkle that first layer with a touch of sugar, plenty of salt and pepper, and a bit of olive oil and balsamic. 

Then put down your herbs. Then add another layer of tomatoes, and again the sugar, salt, pepper, oil and balsamic, and up and up, herbs and tomatoes or cukes or both, until you run out of room or tomatoes or both. Let it sit for a few hours, if you can. It gets more and more delicious. 

And the best part was that this afternoon, I put a whole layer of mint in - and good heavens, it's amazing! Maybe everyone knows about this, but I've never had those two tastes together - and I wish I had. I will have this every day that I can, as long as the tomatoes keep coming. Summer on a plate.

For Today

"It's your road, and yours alone. Others may walk it with you, but no one can walk it for you."

- Rumi

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