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Maybe if I keep trying, I will learn how to spell the name of this place I like so much. First I couldn't remember it, then I couldn't spell it.
At any rate, Sonoita, which is at the junction of routes 82 and 83, is home to about 900 people, according to the most recent census. Median income is a little more than $50,000. There are lots of ranches there, and lots of movies have been filmed there, including "Tombstone," "A Star Is Born," "Red River" and "Oklahoma!"
It is really a gorgeous place. It's high - 5,000 feet - and so the nights are cool, even when the days are hot. The grasses that so enchanted me green up in the summer "monsoon" season - it must be an amazing sight.
Okay... I think is one of my very favorites of your work Carrie!
More more more!!!
Hi Carrie,
Thanks so much for an enjoyable, if brief, breakfast conversation this morning! It was a gift meeting you. I so love it when my travels turn a stranger into a friend. I'm loving your blog and the beautiful I'm off to check out your website. I'd like to post a link from my blog to yours too, if that's okay. Have a safe journey home.
Hi, Michelle - It was a great pleasure to meet you, too! So often, I go through this life blind and deaf and dumb, missing opportunities to meet new people, get involved with new ideas. So it was great - please do link my blog to yours, and I will do the same.
Best wishes and thanks for reading and reaching out.
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