Brown-eyed Susans
Oil on black canvas, 14x14
Please click here to email me for price and availability
AFTER A WEAK show in Tubac and a round of self-doubt and self-examination, I dove back in and started painting again, and it felt great.
I have a solo show in July and August at the Norfolk Botanical Gardens, in Norfolk, VA, and I need 30-40 paintings for it. So I decided to paint florals, and just let the paint flow and take me where it takes me.
You people - the community that has grown up around my paintings - you people are so very sweet and so very supportive, it takes my breath away sometimes.

But I'm successful, and people buy and collect and love my paintings - and still, I question my direction, my purpose, my way. I wish artists with vast experience would share more about their doubts and missteps. I'd love to hear their questions and their answers.
Thank you, all of you who wrote and sent me your love and support. I truly appreciate it, and it always, always helps me gather my courage.
And that is what I'm doing. I'm experimenting, I'm painting with faith and verve, I am going to go where the path leads me, and I'm not painting scared. And guess what? It feels great.
Inset - Peonies, 6x6
Above - Peonies and Tiger Lilies, 12x36
Below, Bouquet on White, 16x16

Above, the border going into Mexico by car. Below, Paula walking toward the border you cross on foot. Dad and Paula park in Nogales, Arizona, and then walk across the border. Apparently, the line for cars to cross back into the US can be very long.
Above, a Mexican Chinese restaurant. Below, a Mexican Koko!
Look through the fence at the border return, above, and you can see the metal fence, now lined with razor wire, separating Nogales, Sonora, from Nogales, Arizona. Below, the line to get back into the US. It looked pretty long, but took us only about 25 minutes.
Perro de la Dia
IT'S THE MEXICAN Koko, above! For those of you who might not be able to conjure up an image of the Virginian Koko, I have included a photo of her, below. Amazing likeness, si?
A Final Thought
"Art has many avenues; love is carried through many vessels. Your oceans are your colours, your ship is your brush and your treasures are in your heart."
- Moncy Barbour