Katie and Max
Oil on black canvas, 12x12
101 Dogs Project commissions
I met Max and Katie's humans while I was in Minneapolis this summer. They told me that Max and Katie had passed, and they missed them tremendously, but for the moment, weren't going to add new dogs to their lives. For the first time in years and years, they said, they were able to travel as much as they wanted, and while they were sad to be without dogs, they were certainly enjoying their freedom.
I know the dichotomy so well. When we travel together, which is rare, dealing with the dogs is a huge part of the journey. Bringing them changes everything, sometimes for the better, but usually for the more complicated.
Right now, I am in Wyoming, on the Big Skies Painting Trip, and Peter is at home with the dogs. Peter is not a big traveler, and I am just lucky and grateful that he's willing to deal with the hooligans.
The Busy Bee
"Longmire" fans! I spent a few days in Buffalo, Wyoming, on which the town of Durant is based, in the books by Craig Johnson, and the "Longmire" series on Netflix. I had breakfast at the Busy Bee, where Longmire and friends, and pretty much everyone in Buffalo, dines.
Dog of the Day
Yup, today's DOD is the cutest little kitten ever!
A Final Thought
"I would like to paint the way a bird sings."
- Claude Monet
Thanks to Lisa for the quote and the photo!