Big Sunflowers
I've spent my time this past week making BIG paintings. There was the Marlin Lane piece, a big painting of an abandoned boat that I'm working on, and then there was the piece you see above - Big Sunflowers (or as I've been thinking of it, Biggie Sunflowers).
It's really HUGE (I've included a shot of the painting leaning up against my teeny camper, so you can get an idea of how big it is) - and it is a tremendously happy, bright painting. I love the sunflowers themselves, and I love the background, too.
And a happy note for me - and for a collector, too: The painting has already sold! Yay!
One of these days, I am going to do a painting that's just the petal-like background painting technique I used here. It will probably be an abstract, and I might do it for the show that's coming up Oct. 12 through Nov. 21 at the Lighthouse Gallery in Groton, CT.
But this weekend, the Neptune Festival takes place today, Saturday and Sunday in Virginia Beach. I'm pretty psyched about it! Set-up was Thursday and we got to drive on the boardwalk, which was fun. For a variety of reasons, I rented a tent, and while it is not an ideal tent, it has made me set up differently - and I think I like it. I'll post photos over the weekend.
The weather is supposed to be iffy, but I am hoping folks will come out anyways. If you do, please come and say hi. I am in Booth 2304, near 23rd St.
Detail from Big Sunflowers
Yikes! That's one Big Painting!