Thursday, July 22, 2010


Oil on canvas, 12x12
Memorial commission

This is the first morning in weeks that's been cool. I turned off the window air conditioning units, opened the doors and windows, and am deeply breathing this beautiful, fresh air. It's bringing me back to life a little, and bringing life back to me.

I woke up today excited about possibilities. My big cowscape is coming nicely... and there's a huge field of sunflowers, apparently in bloom, that I've been itching to paint for a year now. So this cool, bright morning holds promise indeed.

Heather MacLeod, the artist who came with me to Canada, is primarily a sculptor. She is building a lovely, shady sculpture garden near her house in Brownfield, Maine. She also makes these delightful little creations that she calls "SparkBugs." They're made from spark plugs and handles of utensils. Some of the handles have designs or initials on them; some don't.

I think they are just wonderful! You can email her to find out about price and shipping.

Here are a couple photos:

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