Winding Road
Oil on black canvas, 10x10, $125

Again, as I head east, I realize how much I love driving, and just being on the road. There is a deep simplicity to it, especially when I'll be on one road for so very long. My choices are few - keep driving or stop. Need gas or no. Pass or don't pass. I like that. More than anything, though, I love watching the landscape, soaking it in, seeing it change, mile by mile, bit by bit.
Now, I'm in Holbrook, Arizona, and the mountains are behind me. I'm in a place of yellow grass and red rocks and an unbroken horizon. It's subtle and beautiful, and the sky is huge.
Scenes from the Road
Above, the sky over Tubac one evening. Below,
a road near my dad's house, one morning.
After the show, I had some nice sales, including "Looking Ahead,"
which looks so great in this couple's house!
Dog of the Day
This guy herded me along, on my way back to Dad and Paula's one evening...
A Final Thought
"Art is not what you see, but what you make others see."
- Edgar Degas
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