Monday, August 30, 2010

Sawmill Pond

Sawmill Pond
Oil on canvas, 11x14
Please email me at for price and delivery information

For most of the summer, I've had the pleasure of teaching Meghan, a neighbor who is starting high school on Wednesday.

Meghan is an excellent painter. She has an amazing natural touch, and honestly, I think some of her paintings are better than the ones I made, standing beside her.

But that's one of the great things about painting - or art of any kind - isn't it? Glee and vigor and experimentation, excitement and discovery and daring - these things can take a piece farther, at least at times, than education and training can.

Of course, there are limits. One thing I know from my own experience is that when I get in trouble, I have to botch things to get out of trouble. Someone with training could probably get out of trouble with much less effort. In fact, someone with training would probably not get in trouble in the first place!

At any rate, it was great to paint with Meghan this summer, and I will miss our weekly sessions.

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