Tuesday, October 20, 2015

The Deep, Red Earth

The Deep, Red Earth
Oil on black canvas, 20x60

I left for Texas early, on Monday, so I could stop near Asheville, NC, to meet a dog. I don't know if she will be the right dog for me, but something about her face called to me, and so I will meet her.

It's early to be bringing another dog into my life. I am still crying for Jojo, and still missing her, and Zoe, too. Heck, I miss all the dogs who have passed from my life. But Jojo was the dog of my heart, and I am lost without her.

I don't know what it says about me that I need to be loved with the unmitigated and unembarrassed enthusiasm with which Jojo loved me. She adored me without boundary or hesitation. Her joy when I came home was huge, every time. She had no dignity. She would leap and bark and cry, lick me all over, race through the house, cavorting and bounding, jumping on the furniture, taken over with joy. And I was every bit as happy to see her. We started every day together with pure happiness to be in each other's company, and ended every day the same way.

I miss Jojo and I miss this sort of renewing, reassuring, simple relationship.

So I will meet this little dog today, and I'll see. We will both know if it's right.

It makes sense that she - unnamed and unknown - is the Dog of the Day. I'll let you all know what happens.

A Final Thought

"Art is the stored honey of the human soul." 

- Theodore Dreiser

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